Tuesday, August 15

Picuris Pueblo receives grant for clean water


Westerly, Suzanne
News From Indian Country

Picuris Pueblo receives grant for clean water

On July 10th in northern New Mexico, a crowd gathered to hear Governor Red
Eagle Rael talk about the new waste water system for which the Pueblo had
just received a $700,000 check.

The celebration at Picuris Pueblo was the result of "Water 2000," a Clinton
initiative which dispersed funding to about 100 projects in 41 states. The
project offers funding to supply clean water to rural America through the
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Programs Fund.

Governor Red Eagle Rael said, ...

Finding His Way Back Home


Westerly, Suzanne
News From Indian Country

Finding his Way Back Home

Last February on a warm Los Angeles night, Native American Artists gathered
for the First Americans In The Arts Award Ceremony (FAITA), Brule'
beautiful music filled the auditorium.

Later in the evening, Brule' was honored with FAITA's Outstanding Musical
Achievement Award. Backstage in the media room was the first time I met
Paul LaRoche of Brule'.

The jacket cover of his CD, We the People, mentions that Paul discovered
his Native heritage back in 1993. There are many Native Americans that were
"adopted out" and are now ...