I'm a Vegan these days, but like many mostly-vegans, I'd lapse once in awhile and have a veggie pizza, yogurt or something else with dairy. And then there was that chocolate macadamia nut beckoning me . . . .

The book reveals how certain foods trigger the release of natural opiates in the brain, causing a physical addiction that can be difficult to break. Casein, a protein found in milk, breaks down into smaller molecules called casomorphins during digestion. Barnard states that these morphine-like compounds then attach to the same receptors that heroin attaches to in the brain which may explain why so many people are seemingly addicted to dairy products, especially cheese. Dr. Barnard explains how sugar, chocolate and meat are amongst the most addictive foods.
This knowledge altered my view immensely, actually making it easy to stop eating all dairy and sugar-laden foods.
Reading Sugar Blues will also open your mind.

It's amazing.
Buy the Book
It's easy to change to a completely vegan lifestyle once you understand food addictions - and, as you've heard - changing your eating habits is the key. Along with a walk in the sunshine ~
The knowledge in this book will help you break the cravings, not just fight the cravings.
Remember! Get-togethers means eating, and eating healthy can be a challenge if you're not at home. So bring some yummy dishes to share with others, thus making sure you have something tasty and you may surprise others with your tasty Vegan treat.
Breaking The Food Seduction offers lots of tips and quick, yummy recipes, as do Dr. Barnard's other books.

Also a good book to have around for reference is Foods That Fight Pain.
Dr. Barnard is the president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in research.
Breaking The Food Seduction offers lots of tips and quick, yummy recipes, as do Dr. Barnard's other books.

Also a good book to have around for reference is Foods That Fight Pain.
Dr. Barnard is the president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness in research.